Resilient Bodies Retreat

A Restorative Retreat for Health Professionals

September 29- Oct. 2 2023 | April 2024

Restore the Mind – Body Connection

A Restorative Retreat for Health Providers

Every healthcare professional needs to be reminded of how much more powerful and effective we can be when we ourselves are wholly resourced in mind, body, and heart. Thank you so much for creating an experience that filled up my cup. I didn’t know how much I needed this. – Joan Pham, Hospice and Palliative care Nurse 


Join me on a Yoga Retreat.

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Health care providers (doctors, nurses, care aids, paramedics and hospital and care home staff) routinely witness the pain and suffering of others. This can lead to vicarious or secondary trauma which affects the autonomic nervous system. Combined with moral injury, the challenges of shift work, personal stressors, and working within the context of a strained health care system, this can lead to feelings of isolation, loss of hope, anxiety and insomnia.

This 3-day retreat is designed to restore health, inspire hope, and provide tools and practices that can be utilized on and off the job to enhance physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Enjoy nourishing organic garden-to-table meals, wood-fired sauna sessions, and the serene beauty of Bowen Island. This Retreat offers space to decompress and immerse in rejuvenating and restorative practices for mind, body and heart.

Workshops and classes are rooted in trauma theory, neuroscience, emotional intelligence and yoga philosophy and will  provide a holistic approach to cultivating resilience.

In this retreat we will explore:

  • How trauma and stress impact the body and brain
  • Mind-body connection and the somatics of stress
  • Anatomy of breathing and training in the relaxation response
  • Yogic practices for physical and mental resilience

For healthcare professionals with an interest and curiosity in trauma, a willingness to explore the mind-body connection, and an understanding of the importance of self-care. 

Facilitated by Yoga and Meditation Teacher Farah Nazarali, Yoga Therapist Nicole Marcia,MA, TCTSY-F, C-IAYT Masters in Counselling (Candidate), and Nurse Educator and Yoga Teacher Corrine McKell.

Read article about Corrine McKell – READ HERE

Read article about Farah Nazarali – READ HERE

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 Retreat Schedule

*This is an abridged version of the schedule. Please note Retreat schedule includes all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea bar).

Registration now open for Spring 2024.

4-4:30pm  Arrival and Check -in

Welcome | Introduction | Yogic Model of Holistic Health | Flower Ceremony

Workshop: Understanding Trauma | Yogic Tools for Stress
Trauma-informed Yoga
Lunch and Free Time

Workshop: Emotional Intelligence
Dinner | Yoga for Sleep

Workshop: Yogic Perspective of Suffering | Workplace Strategeis 
Trauma-informed Yoga
Lunch and Free Time

Workshop: Work- Home Transitions | Non Violent Communication
Dinner | Yoga for Sleep

Workshop: Finding Balance
Trauma-informed Yoga

Lunch and Closing

$1695 (shared room)
$1795 (private room). Please note there are only 3 private rooms available on a first-come basis.

Cost includes all accommodations, all meals, all workshops and classes. Cost does not include travel to and from Half Moon Haven.

Please note a deposit of $425 is required at the time of Registration to secure your spot.

I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

words from the heart

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Colette Mrazek
{Thank you so much for an incredible retreat. It’s having a long lasting impact on me! Thank you again for providing exactly what I needed at this time in my life. You are doing such incredible life changing work!!
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Carol Spychka
{Many thanks. I am grateful for the connections made, your peaceful presence and the mindful reset of this joy filled weekend. Thank you for all your thoughtful touches.
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Linda Aminoto
{Thank you for hosting such a wonderful retreat. These are memories that we will cherish forever.
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Suzy A.
{Thank you soooooooo much for the amazing retreat, recipes, video links, and words of wisdom. Above all, thank you for being who you are and for being so generous, always.
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Stephanie S.
{Thank you so much for the retreat. It truly was a beautiful day, and your energy and teachings are, as always, so healing.
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Retreat Student
{I am still listening and practicing the yoga practices I have learned. They have been life-saving and healing.
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Heather Munro
{Thank you so much for your generous spirit and soul-nurturing presence. I have so many wonderful moments and memories from the retreat, and it was such a blessing to meet you!
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Bonnie Jang
{What a great retreat. I have renewed trust in my body and feel inspired to get on my yoga mat. I'm so happy to have connected with you.
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Akiko Shima
{Thank you so much for the retreat. It was much needed for me. The morning practice video was helpful in getting me out of bed and the series of podcasts was delightful. I could be in this retreat forever! It was so relaxation and rejuvenating at the same time. You are an amazing retreat facilitator.
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Jotika C.
Thanks so much Farah for the love and care you put into the retreat.


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